The Oath, Book One of The Druid Chronicles
The Oath, opens with the arrival of Caelym, a young Druid priest, at the outer walls of the Abbey of Saint Edeth in search of Annwr, the sister of his cult’s chief priestess, who was abducted by a Saxon war band fifteen years earlier and is rumored to be living in the convent.
Weary, wounded, and starving, Caelym is on the verge of collapse when he meets an elderly woman who takes him to her hut in the nearby forest. There he discovers that she is the priestess Annwr and that she has spent her years of captivity caring for Aleswina, a Saxon princess who has been consigned to the cloistered convent by her cousin, King Gilberth, after he assumed her father’s throne. Just as Caelym and Annwr are about to leave together, Aleswina learns that Gilberth, a tyrant known for his cruelty and vicious temper—and for having five wives die under mysterious circumstances—intends to take her out of the convent and marry her. Terrified, she flees with the two Druids beginning a journey that unfolds in ways none of them could have anticipated. |
Praise for The Oath
"Linden's knowledge and passion for history is soaked into every word of The Oath, combined with an obvious skill at storytelling, this book truly comes to life. Linden succeeds at every level, but the world building is truly spectacular. Historical fantasy is hard to do well, but Linden makes it look easy. What could be dry details are presented so effectively that the world is elevated to almost being a character of it's own . . . ."
—Bishop O'Connell, Author of The American Faerie Tale series
—Bishop O'Connell, Author of The American Faerie Tale series
"The Oath urges readers along on a richly textured quest among the Saxons and Celts of eighth century Britain. . . . [T]his engaging tale brings the conflict between Druids and early Christians to vivid life through sympathetic and well-rounded characters. I particularly enjoyed the ironic voice of the aging midwife Annwr. Brava!"
—Sara Stamey, Author of The Ariadne Connection
—Sara Stamey, Author of The Ariadne Connection
"Thrilling historical fiction, with heart and soul."
—Tim Pears, author of In the Place of Fallen Leaves
—Tim Pears, author of In the Place of Fallen Leaves
The Oath is published by She Writes Press and is available through booksellers including:
The Valley, Book Two of The Druid Chronicles
Llwddawanden, a valley hidden in the rugged chain of mountains that mark the northern border of the Christian, Saxon kingdom of Derthwald, is a sanctuary where remnants of a once-powerful pagan cult carry on their ancient ritual practices, supported by a small but faithful following of servants, craftsmen, and laborers.
Herrwn, the shrine's chief priest and master bard, has the responsibility of overseeing the education of Caelym, the orphaned son of the cult's previous chief priestess, as well as keeping the peace within the upper ranks of their order—a task that grows more difficult as mounting conflicts between the current chief priestess and her only living daughter threaten to rend the fabric of a society that has endured for more than a millennium. |
Praise for The Valley
"A. M. Linden brings her imagined druid community to life with a skillful combination of research and informed guesswork. The Valley provides an intriguing glimpse into an 8th century Britain that might have been."
—Juliet Marillier, author of the Sevenwaters and Warrior Bards series
—Juliet Marillier, author of the Sevenwaters and Warrior Bards series
"With the attention to detail, explanation of ancient rituals, and the mythology within the clan’s legends, this novel builds a community, exploring a people about which little is actually known. It’s an extraordinary portrayal, breathing life into a long-dead civilization. . . . Highly recommended!"
--Chanticleer Reviews
--Chanticleer Reviews
The Valley is published by She Writes Press and is available through booksellers including:
The Sheriff, Book Three of The Druid Chronicles
Success as a warrior is one of the few paths to advancement in early medieval Britain and Stefan, a young Saxon peasant, has fought his way up to the rank of captain, serving under an earl who in turn serves the king of Atheldom. Returning from a series of hard-won battles, he hopes for further promotion. Instead, his command is taken from him and given to a better-born rival, while he is sent to serve as the sheriff of an impoverished shire in the furthest corner of the kingdom.
Stefan arrives in Codswallow to learn that, between marauding brigands, corrupt local officials, and a hostile populace, no sheriff has stayed longer than a single season. Determined to defeat the outlaws and gain control over the shire, Stefan forms an alliance with the keeper of the shire’s inn, a Briton suspected by some of being a secret pagan, but he is frustrated to find that even with that clandestine aid his efforts are stymied. When he is summoned to join the search for Princess Aleswina, the betrothed bride of the king of a neighboring realm, he jumps at what he sees as his chance to get an army command back―only to be drawn into the web of intrigue that lies behind the princess’s disappearance. |
Praise for The Sheriff
"Readers who like their interpersonal dramas told through the filter of a highly detailed historical lens will delight in A. M. Linden’s The Sheriff, book three of her Druid Chronicles series."
--The Historical Fiction Company
"In The Sheriff, Book Three of the Druid Chronicles, A.M. Linden has written a compelling portrait of life in eighth-century England. The author has skillfully blended history, politics, romance, and social observation to create a fascinating portrait of a little-known yet intriguing period of English history. To top things off, Linden has added elements of a top-notch detective story. The result is storytelling of a very high order. Highly recommended.
—Christopher Johnson, Author of This Magnificent Place and co-author of Forests for the People
—Christopher Johnson, Author of This Magnificent Place and co-author of Forests for the People
"I was captivated from the first page."
—Gail Noble-Sanderson, author of the Lavender Meuse Trilogy and The Book of Rules.
—Gail Noble-Sanderson, author of the Lavender Meuse Trilogy and The Book of Rules.
The Sheriff is published by She Writes Press and is available fthrough booksellers including:
The Quarry, Book Four of The Druid Chronicles
Obedient to the dictates of their chief priestess, a small band of goddess-worshipping Britons leave the shelter offered them by a loyal innkeeper for a desolate mountain valley believed to be the site of their cult’s ancestral home. Rebuilding stone walls reduced to rubble over centuries of abandonment would have taken years for a legion of skilled masons; the five Druid priests and priestesses have only one skilled laborer with them and only a matter of months before winter sets in.
Time is equally pressing for a pair of Christian Saxon lovers who need kill the woman’s husband before he finds out that she is pregnant. Although the two situations are unrelated by anything other than their proximity to one another, the moment when Caelym, high priest of the shrine of the Great Mother Goddess, will be caught in the crossfire between Stefan, sheriff of Codswallow, and the forces his estranged wife has gathered against him, is rapidly approaching. |
The Quarry is scheduled to be published by She Writes Press September 24, 2025